Gift Ideas: BEST. GIFTS. EVER.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Tangled was on repeat in our house a year ago and I’m glad it was - it’s a super cute movie. And, if you ask my daughter what her favorite part of our last Disney trip was, she will tell you the “Rapunzel Bathrooms.” I guess she wasn’t impressed by the teacups. Anyways, it’s a cute movie and Disney World needs to up its game and include some more Rapunzel items. Until then, here’s some gift ideas...
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Gift Ideas: The Fairest Of Them All

Wednesday, December 04, 2019

When we took my daughter to Disney for the first time (she was around 16 months), the first Princess she spotted was Snow White. Several months later, she asked if she could watch the movie, so I obliged. Man, I forgot that this is a heavy cartoon! For this exercise, Snow White and her dwarf friends provide oh-so-much inspiration for gifts!  Mirror, Mirror - The first Anthropologie Home...
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Gift Ideas: Belle of the Ball

Tuesday, December 03, 2019

Continuing the theme of Disney Princess-inspired gifts, let’s move on to one of my favorite princesses - Belle.   Books - Belle is obsessed with books - and girllll I can relate. While I’ve been trying to use the library more to keep our collection down, I love a good cookbook gift. Some newly released cookbooks include: The Joy of Cooking 2019, Entertaining with Disney and Beautiful...
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Shot Of Brandi Holiday Gift Guide

Monday, December 02, 2019

When thinking about a holiday gift guide, I got a little stuck (blame it on the 5,000 tabs open in my head right now). So I looked around my house for inspiration and, well, I was inspired. Even before Disney+ came into our lives, Disney movies have been taking over our television screen for a few years now. I don’t mind - it allows me to revisit the classics and also take in some flicks that I’ve...
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Strawberry Fields FOUR-Ever

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Before my daughter turned three last year, an idea for her 4th birthday party hit me. Her name - Lennon - was of course very closely inspired by a certain musician / band. She’s a fan of the Netflix show Beat Bugs, so knows most of their songs. I knew we’d have to do ONE Beatles-themed party at some point in her life. And, this was the perfect time. I give you - Strawberry Fields FOUR-ever!  I...
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Dancing Queen: Dance Class Treat

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

We are closing out another year of dance class and that calls for a celebration! I’m always trying to brainstorm ideas for a class treat that isn’t just a piece of candy. I know that some schools request a non-food treat and that can be tricky for parents too! With the help of my almost 4-year-old, we picked out these princess crowns from Amazon that come with a small wand and ring. I put the want...
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What I’m Doing While Not Blogging Part 3: Reading

Friday, June 07, 2019

Reading more wasn’t a “resolution’ that I made, but in January I started taking advantage of our awesome local library more. They have a great selection and I just can't purchase anymore books. I read them once and then they collect dust. Exception = Harry Potter. I will forever own those.Thinking about how I use my screen time, most of it is devoted to reading. Reading news or magazine articles....
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What I’m Doing While Not Blogging Part 2: Crafting

Wednesday, June 05, 2019

When my daughter was a baby, we started doing a Mother’s Day craft together for her grandma’s and great-grandma’s. Keeping the tradition alive, this year we made succulent vases! I picked up a 4-pack of these ceramic vases, gave the kid some acrylic paints (i’m crazy) and let her have at it without much instruction (i.e. don’t get paint on my table).  She chose to paint each vase 1...
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What I'm Doing While Not Blogging: Part 1 - Exercise.

Tuesday, June 04, 2019

Hello? Is this thing on? HA! I’ve mentioned before that I have pages and pages and binders and binders of unpublished blog ideas. If only there was more time and resources! I have a few blog posts up my sleeve for this week in a series I’m going to call - “What I’m Doing When I’m Not Blogging…” I wish I had something more creative. I’m open to suggestions. Let’s start with the first thing...
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Off The Hook Tuna Recipe

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Many of you know that my day job is not blogger - SHOCKER, right!? Thank god it isn’t because I blog like once a month if I’m lucky now. My day job is focusing on public relations - and actually content - but for paying clients. Let’s just say that one of my clients is a “local boutique grocery store that specializes in seafood.” Earlier this year, I spent some time with one of the team members on...
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Ra! Ra! It's a Pom Wreath

Tuesday, February 05, 2019

Today we are going to talk poms. I have a little history with poms. I guess the cheer ones came first in the early ‘90’s. Then, I moved on to the yarn ones in high school. You see, as a majorette in the band, a rite of passage was making your first pair of poms for your boots. This required a lot of yarn. We wrapped it around our legs, tied the bunch with a string and then cut them. To finish...
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My Sunny Valentine

Thursday, January 31, 2019

You guys know that I live for a good themed class treat. I feel like Valentine’s Day is a holiday where I can really get my creative juices flowing. Last year, I already rolled with the gem-themed cards and ring pops, but saved another idea - heart sunglasses! As soon as I possibly could, I ordered these sun-themed Valentine cards from Minted. I mean, I totally love a standard Valentine Card from...
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Knotty or Nice - Christmas Party Favor

Sunday, January 13, 2019

When it comes to the holidays, I try to know my limits. I can only commit to so many gatherings, cooking baking, shopping trips...the list goes on. Adding to the stress, the end of the year is always a bit hectic at work too. This year, I also vowed to stay healthy - which meant some extra trips to the cycle studio. Knowing that the kid has holiday parties at school and dance, I tried to brainstorm...
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