Shot of Brandi Gift Guide: Georgia, Hawaii & Idaho

Thursday, December 10, 2015

  • Hawaii consists of eight islands. Which means there is a lot of water around Hawaii. A lot of water where SHARKS live. I feel like you hear about a lot of shark attacks off of a Hawaiian coast. While I FEAR sharks, there are some adorable shark products. LIke this Shark Bite Book and Shark Phone Case.
  • Hawaii is home to some amazing florals. I mean, you can’t think of Hawaii without thinking of floral leis! Since flowers don’t last long, I’d recommend this bedazzled Hawaiian hair clip!
  • Hawaii is the only state that grows coffee. Apparently Forbes Magazine said Kona Coffee is the best coffee in America, so perhaps it’s worth a try. You can even buy this for holiday visitors!
  • Last, but certainly not least, why not plan a trip to Hawaii? I mean LOOK at this PICTURE!

Not gonna sugar coat it. Idaho proposed a creative challenge for me to brainstorm against. And I know more challenges are on the horizon. But let’s go.

  1. Speaking of sugar, Idaho has this crazy law that a person can’t gift another person a box of candy that weighs more than 50 pounds. I say break the rules and give someone TWO large gummy bears in a box. That would be 52 pounds!
  2. Sun Valley is recognized as America’s first destination ski resort. If I was a skier, I’d recommend some good gear. But I’m not. So I’m going to take the easy route and say that you plan a trip to Sun Valley.
  3. The company Coldwater Creek was created in Idaho and it is a favorite of my grandma. I thought that this cardigan was festive without being in your face festive.
  4. I can’t make it through an Idaho gift guide without mentioning Idaho potatoes, right? Perhaps a box of potatoes could make an interesting white elephant gift exchange present!?
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