Friday, April 17, 2015

Omg you guys. I read about this stuff online and finally tracked down some a few weeks ago and my life is completely changed. I’m not the same person that I was before this creamy, sweet, delicious treat.
This stuff I’m talking about is THIS.

You may have seen them on Shark Tank. I didn’t, but I’m glad that I saw them. Don't worry - there aren't any raw eggs in this stuff - that's why you can't bake it. And you won't want to bake it.
This delicacy is a little tricky to track down here in Pittsburgh, but I was running some errands in the South Hills and picked some at the Fresh Market.
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Non-Thirsty Thursday: Pretending to Drink Alcohol When You’re Pregnant

Thursday, April 16, 2015

When a woman is of childbearing age, all eyes are on her drink while out with friends. If she’s not drinking, all signs typically lead to pregnancy. When all eyes were on me for the last several years, I felt myself going above and beyond to prove I wasn’t preggo. After rounds of shots, I’d typically remove all doubt.

As someone that LOVES wine, hiding my drinking until we were ready to tell family and friends that I’m knocked up was a bit tricky. However, I was up for the challenge and was able to fool some people - especially around the holidays! Here’s how.

Non-Alcoholic Wine - THIS STUFF IS AWESOME. Okay, it isn’t like the most awesome-est tasting thing, but it’s an awesome way to fake drinking wine! I drank this on Thanksgiving and fooled a number of family members. The key was not letting them see me pour the wine into the cup. My grandma even commented that I was "drinking too much" and that my "cup of wine was too big." Boy, did I surprise her when I broke the news over Christmas. The non-alcoholic beer in a glass at the bowling alley that night really sealed the "she's-not-pregnant" deal too. The beer was a non-alcoholic Labats and I don’t recommend it.

Soda Water with a Splash of Cranberry & a Lime - This non-alcoholic drink that looks like a cocktail got me through a wedding in December. They key here is to ask for your non-alcoholic drink in the same glass they are serving the alcoholic drinks. And asking the bartender to add garnishes to really give it that cocktail look.

The Beer Trick * THIS MAY BE THE BEST ONE ON THE LIST! * - Holiday happy hours brought upon some anxiety for me, so I devised a beer trick. I’d order beer in a bottle (not uncommon for me) and then go to the bathroom with the bottle, dump out the beer and fill it back up with water. No one suspected a thing! I did the beer trick at least five times.

Those were pretty much my tricks for hiding the drinking. I’d love to hear any other tips!
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Social Media + Pregnancy

Sunday, April 12, 2015

By day, I’m a public relations professional turned social media strategist. Given that social media is something that I live, eat, sleep, dream and breathe on a daily basis, when we found out that there would be a new addition to our family we had a discussion regarding social media. Would we announce that we were expecting via social media? What details do we want to share? What type of social footprint do we want to create for our child?

(sources: icons, onesie, bib)

Neither the hubs or I post much to our personal Facebook accounts. I haven’t updated my status in over a year nor changed my profile pic in almost two. I do use Instagram about 1-2 times a month and Twitter sparsely for random thoughts. The place I share most information is here on this little blog! So we actually aren’t the most social sharing people to begin with. Oh the irony based off of my occupation!

We shared the news that we were expecting personally with family and friends - either in person, via text or even some snail mail cards. Some people may be finding out for the first time while reading this blog (sorry if we forgot to tell you - it doesn’t mean you aren’t important).  I’ve decided to announce that we were expecting here so that I could talk about things related to this blog - shopping for baby and party planning!

It’s interesting that people now expect couples to make the announcement that they are expecting public via social media. Is it our obsession with celebrities making a huge announcement? Is it because Pinterest is full of ideas for “pregnancy announcements” and “gender reveals?”

While things may certainly change once Baby Girl gets here, we’ve decided to share pictures and updates via a password protected Tumblr page that family and friends can check in on when they want their dose of pictures and updates.

Even though my job title includes the words social media, I don’t believe there is a right or wrong answer about what to post online when it comes to babies and kids. I just suggesting discussing social media with your partner to ensure you are on the same page about what you want to share or not share!
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Saturday Shopping: Diaper Bags

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Remember when I went on that massive search for a work bag last year? Well, finding a diaper bag was waaaayyy easier. As a birthday gift from my parents, aka enthusiastic grandparents-to-be, I purchased a version of the Kate Spade Stevie (thank god for extra 25% of sales!)

I’m a big fan of the Kate Spade nylon bags - having used the baby messenger bag for several years at my first big girl job in Chicago (don’t judge - it was in style at the time). They clean easy, last forever and have lots of good pockets.

Here are some other awesome options that I considered! Oh and yes, I totally have a thing for black and white when it comes to baby decor and accessories. More on that later.

  1. Tory Burch
  2. Armani Junior
  3. Kate Spade
  4. Honest Company
  5. Marc by Marc Jacobs
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What I Didn't Expect When Expecting

Friday, April 10, 2015

While most of my friends have babies (plural), after 6 months of being knocked up I now realize that going into this I had a number of misconceptions about pregnancy. For those of you that don’t have children, I thought I would share some of the things that I was wrong about.

Weight Gain - I automatically thought that I would gain weight right away. I hear so many women say how they feel so large so soon, that I just assumed that I too would feel large. While everyone is different, for me it took some time before I started to see the scale go up. In fact, the numbers didn’t move until after the mid-way point of 20 weeks. Yes, I had some morning...errr... sickness (more below), but I really think it was just giving up drinking! Sad.

Maternity Clothes - See above re: weight gain. I thought that packing on extra pounds early would require a whole new wardrobe. I even ordered a dress to wear for the holidays, when I was about 10 weeks. The reality is that I’m still wearing some dresses that had a little room in them. Then again, my fashion style has always been A-line dresses that make me look preggo (#NoShame). I’m able to wear my pre-maternity pants, but now by the end of the day they are unzipped. Yes, I’ve purchased a belly band and button extender to ensure they stay up.

I hope those first two items on the list don’t come off as braggy. I’m not bragging. I’m just trying to make a point that everyone is different and every pregnancy is different.

Morning Sickness - I did hear that morning sickness wasn’t limited to the morning, but I didn’t realize what that meant until I experienced it. On NYE I wasn’t feeling well, so we came home just before midnight to watch the ball drop. Ten minutes later I was puking. My first sober New Year in YEARS and I’m PUKING? This would be the start of many pukey nights in January and February. Yes, nights. You see, I’d be a little nauseous in the morning, but the real party started when I couldn’t keep my dinner down. It didn't’ happen every night and I know it could be WAY worse, but throwing up of any kind isn’t fun.

Missing Alcohol - Speaking of sober New Year’s, as an avid drinker and wine consumer, I thought that I would miss alcohol. Well, I’ve learned that I can break up with spirited beverages much easier than I expected. Maybe it was due to the sickness for two months, but I don’t have the need to drink. Yeah, there has been some occasions where I’ve had the desire to have a drink, but it turns out being sober is cool too. HOWEVER I am looking forward to a glass of cab, margarita, Moscow Mule and mojito this fall. Maybe all in the same night! Who’s babysitting!?

Maternity Leave - Without going on a huge rant, I always expected I’d take 12 weeks off for maternity leave. Now it’s looking like that will be more like 9-10. Note to self, don’t be afraid to discuss your maternity leave policy before switching jobs - EVEN if you aren’t thinking of having kids right away. We are heading into an election year and I’m super interested to hear where the candidates side with mandatory paid maternity leave. The US is so far behind in this area.

Finally, I didn’t realize how much being pregnant tested one’s patience. Once you get a positive home test, you really don’t see your doctor until you are about 8 weeks along (2 months!). Then, doctor’s visits are monthly. FOUR whole weeks! I’ve never considered myself a patient person, but I feel as though I’ve mentally made myself patient throughout this process. And, I honestly think these 9 months or 40 weeks are flying by! I know I’ll feel different as countdown gets closer and feels far away!
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Super Thirsty Thursday: Due for Wine in July

Thursday, April 09, 2015

I feel as though it’s time I made this blog official.

Our party of two is adding a new, permanent guest this summer!
Just as this didn’t turn into a wedding blog when I got married, this will NOT turn into a baby blog...with the exception this next week! Since I’ve been keeping this a secret from this blog space for 5-6 months, I decided to let it all out this week with a series of posts. Let the fun begin!
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Saturday Shopping: Unicorns

Saturday, April 04, 2015

Something that resurfaced a few years back was my confession to my husband that I had a porcelain unicorn collection growing up. We’ve been a couple for about 12 years now and my magical creature collection somehow was kept a secret.
Well, just as my secret has been discovered, I’m happy to see that unicorns have made a comeback in fashion and décor. Here’s a round-up of magical unicorn finds!

  1. Sophia Webster Shoes
  2. Oh Baby Shirt
  3. Asos Slippers
  4. White Faux Taxidermy via Etsy
  5. Sign via Nordstrom
  6. Modcloth Dress
  7. Dogeared Necklace

While we are on the subject, I feel as though my wand selection from Pottermore was right on target for me: 


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