Brandi* Fun Fact: I’m a keeper. I keep things. I keep things like ideas.
In the past, I organized my ideas in binders, but that
got to be a bit of a space suck. Now I digitize my ideas into online folders.
Saved in my online folders are party ideas, things that I
want to do or cook in (that I don’t share with you all! Sorry lol), wedding
ideas for a few people that shall not be named...
Shopping Trips: Gifts
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Boxing Day
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
They always say that imitation is the form of flattery
and that cannot be more true when it comes to the new “monthly box” trend.
Now that Birchbox has officially taken off, there are a
number of copycats offering a variety of products that you can have delivered
to your door on a monthly basis. So if beauty isn’t your thing, maybe one of
these other monthly subscriptions is!
Lifestyle Tips: Parties
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Sundays with Sue: Winey Women Club Meeting Recap
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Okay, Sue didn't write this post. I (Brandi) did.
Last night was the first meeting of the Winey Women Wine
Club. Shot of Dad and some men started a bourbon club a few months ago, so the
women decided to start drinking wine while the guys met!
My cheese spread
When you form any club, there are a few guidelines.
Here’s what Sue and some women from the group set forward...
Shopping Trips
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Fashion Friday: LBD
Friday, October 12, 2012
I’m going through a little bit of a black period with my
wardrobe this week. Don’t worry – I’m not going all goth on you, but maybe it’s
the brisk temps or the cold that I’m working to shake, but for some reason, all
I want to wear is black – and that is odd for this typical color-lover.
Browsing the internets looking for some fall wedding
dresses, I pulled a few black beauties that I love....
Lifestyle Tips: DIY
Lifestyle Tips: Food
Lifestyle Tips: Holidays
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C&C - Crafts and Cooking
Monday, October 08, 2012
Last weekend, I finally had some time for R&R and
C&C – crafting and cooking!
Here are some of the goodies that I made!
First up, from the kitchen, I made this delicious
Zucchini Lasagna recipe from Skinny Taste. You replace pasta with Zucchini. I
actually didn't buy enough shredded cheese and it was still delicious (and even
tasty the next day for lunch)!
Lifestyle Tips
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5 Shots for Friday
Friday, October 05, 2012
Big weekend folks! Bachelorette festivities for Reader Lauren and WVU
plays Texas in Austin! I’m also on a major craft bender right now. Please send
me good paper mache vibes.
Here’s your Five Shots for Friday
“I can’t get enough of
those Hot Cheetos & Takis” – my favorite lines. “Snacks on snacks on snacks.” “I go
HAM in the grocery store.”
Speaking of things that I can’t...
Lifestyle Tips: Holidays
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Brandi*'s 2012 Halloween Costume Suggestions
Wednesday, October 03, 2012
It’s October 3rd. That means you have
approximately 24 days to find a Halloween costume.
I know what you are thinking – this girl can’t add. I
can. The countdown is on to October 27th when most people will be
hosting Halloween parties since the holiday falls on a Wednesday. I say most
people. College kids will likely booooze on the 31st (those were the
Each year I produce a list of...
Lifestyle Tips: Parties
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Have Mercy! Full House turns 25!
Monday, October 01, 2012
Lately I’ve been finding a
way to incorporate “I’m old” into my daily conversations. Today’s, “I’m old”
moment came when I realized that Full House is celebrating its 25th anniversary.
What did you say? You want to
plan a Full House-themed party and you want my help?
You got it dude.
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