Five Shots for Friday

Friday, September 28, 2012


·       One of the many things on my weekend to do list? Cook with APPLES!
·       Thinking of renting a kid from this website – Children with Swag
·       Speaking of swag, the newest up and coming white rapper is from…Morgantown, WV? Check out Huey Mack (He maybe should have picked a different name to avoid the comparisons to Mac Miller). Huey also fulfilled my dream of making it into the Urban Dictionary and NYT Style Section. Speaking of WVU and the NYT Story…this is about right.  

·       Finally, I told you earlier that I couldn’t put my finger on what I felt was wrong with Fashion Week from my little apartment in Pittsburgh, but I think this Refinery 29 article sums it up – it just isn’t what it used to be. That sense of it being an exclusive event is no more thanks to bloggers and the internet. Yeah, I'm guilty of showing looks from Fashion Week, but that's because I like pretty things (and there are a lot of pretty dresses!). It's the point of the shows no longer being filled with industry exes and now bloggers....maybe more on that later.