The Nutcracker Act Two: The Kids

Saturday, December 03, 2011

The Nutcracker revolves around the kids in the play - Clara and Fritz.  At their parents’ party, their godfather Drosselmeyer (WTF kinda name is that??) gives the children presents. Fritz is pissed because Clara’s present is an awesome Nutcracker so the mean jerk breaks it. Of course, that makes Clara super pissed. Oh kids…

If you have some kids on your shopping list, get them something super awesome like the things listed below. They are guaranteed to make their siblings jealous ; )

·         At the opening scene party, the children’s godfather, a toymaker, brings the kids four life-like dolls who dance. The kids love the dolls, so if you are looking to purchase some for the kids on your list, may I suggest the most famous of them all – BARBIE! Check out this Vera Wang doll! (Just don’t check out the price tag!)

·         For a kid or kid at heart like me, I LOVE this Kate Spade Prize Ball. You unravel the ball of color fun to find little trinkets!

·         So like Muppets are super cool again given their new movie out. FAO Schwarz has this cool thing where you can design your own Muppet Whatnot. Gosh where were these cool things when I was growing up?! Here’s one I made ; )

For Fritz (little stupid poopie face shouldn't be getting anything based on his actions, but it's the holidays)…

·         Reader Lindsay informed me that little boys like trains (she’s got nephews!). Why not make their day with an awesome train set! I like this one because it is wooden and not some fancy electronic one.

·         How freaking rad is this Hogwarts Lego set? This is a must have for any Harry Potter fan! The hubs was LOVING the Lego aisle this week when we bought some toys for kids from a work toy drive!