The Nutcracker: Act Eight – Spanish Hot Chocolate, Chinese Tea, Russian Candy Canes

Friday, December 09, 2011

Oh now we’ve come…to the end of the road…haha. This the last day in the annual Shot of Brandi* gift guide. However, I’ll still be blogging a gift a day until the 25th.

Today is a three in one option -– Spanish Hot Chocolate, Chinese Tea, Russian Candy Canes.

SPOILER ALERT! So in the play, Clara becomes a heroine. She saves the prince from that bastard Mouse King. That calls for a celebration, right? Well they throw an around the world party of sorts. There is Chocolate from Spain, Tea from China and Candy Canes from Russia.  So today, that’s what I will feature!


·         This Mexican Hot Chocolate kit from Dean and Deluca is the perfect option. You know, Mexican Hot Chocolate is the original hot chocolate. It was enjoyed by the Mayans and Aztecs (for realz).

·         You all know that I’m obsessed with Dylan’s Candy Bar. So for those who want some original hot chocolate, you gotta go with Dylan’s. It’s too cute and so tasty!


·         I’m an everyday tea drinker, so of course I love this adorable Tea Forte gift set! I stick to an iced venti unsweet black tea on the week days, but on the weekends I brew at home and experiment with some different flavors.

·         Shot of Mom is a big hot tea drinker, so we brought her back some English Breakfast Tea from London. She is now obsessed. We purchased the tea from Harrods and you can buy it online here.  


·         So I did some searching to find the best candy canes and all that came up was Hammond’s. They are either really that good OR have good search engine optimization (i.e. their name comes up first!).

·         Going to be away from family during the holidays? Why not send some flowers to your loved ones! I like this candy cane arrangement from 1-800 flowers.

Well readers – that’s it for the annual Shot of Brandi* gift guide! I’ve heard some feedback from you all that this may have inspired some gift ideas! I hope that it does. And just think – when you haven’t any inspiration, brainstorm outside of the box. By forcing myself to think in these categories, I have some ideas that I wouldn’t have thought of for people otherwise!
