Getting Mugged

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

It’s really true what they say. When you hit 30, a lot of things go downhill and you officially become “old.” I know, my older readers are violently yelling at their computers right now, but what I’m saying is there are some things that change. Like that Greenday song that you made out to at a concert in high school is now played on the easy listening station. AND you are listening to the easy listening station. Then Starbucks raises its prices and you go into full Occupy mode on “the man.”

Yes. I admit. All of those things above happened to me this week. I’ve been trying to brew my iced tea at work and one thing that helped me from shedding a tea about not seeing Robin my barrista every morning is that my cup is uber cute. You see, it’s a Kate Spade mug that I got on sale at Macy’s. As I was purchasing it, I’m thinking – mugs are super cute.

So lately I’ve been on a mug kick. Here are some I’m loving.

A mug can make a perfect housewarming gift, birthday present, holiday gift for that person you aren’t sure that you need to buy something for or a just because pick me up for a friend. Upgrade it with a coffee shop gift card (I deliberately didn’t say the S word)

I really enjoy these two cost-effective Tiffany mugs - Fifth Ave mug and Blue Bow

Two Kate Spade favs this chick (the mug I got on sale at Macy’s) and this one with books.

Augh! Love this Sesame Street mug!

Cute bridal shower, wedding or engagement gift