Fashion Friday: Color Blocking, Party Rockin

Friday, August 12, 2011

If I was some silly girl that didn’t know much about sports, I would maybe think that colorblocking was some silly football play where you block a player wearing the other color. Or maybe it involves some sort of colorful blocks like Legos?

Well Colorblocking is basically mixing two solid colors to make one outfit. For the summer, it’s typically bold colors like a hot pink and bright red. Let me give you a visual:

So how do you do this without looking like a clown? InStyle covered this trend it its August issue. The mag’s tips said:

·         Pick two solids, close to each other in the color spectrum

·         Think bright + neutral

·         Find things that complement each other, not complete

I really like the advice from the Accidental Chic blog.

And remember my new motto – be bold! Be brave!