This is a somewhat bi-polar Fashion Friday. Something has been bothering me a lot lately. Not the stock market, gas prices or starving kids in Africa. Not the earthquake or the hurricane.
What’s been bothering me is knockoff apparel.
Gosh, I sound like such a bitch, don’t I? Lol. I’m joking. Okay, well somewhat.
You know that I have a passion for fashion (so cliché)....
Shopping Trips
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Booze Cruiser
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
I’ve recently acquired a mild fixation for bar carts. I think this developed due to the fact that I’ve always wanted one and now I have space for this glorious vehicle of booze.
I decided that I would search some flea markets, garage sales and antique stores for my perfect cart, but then I found Society Social. This site is packed full of drool-worthy bar carts….but, there is a catch. They are...
Lifestyle Tips: Food
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Stick Up Your App
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Seriously. Why is it that food just looks more tempting on a stick?
Yeah, I know we flew right by the berry berry month of May, but the strawberries are still looking scrumptious. I LOVE this idea for an easy-to-eat strawberry shortcake on a stick. I spotted this idea via some blog that led to Lemonade Makin Mama. Basically you buy store-bough angel food cake, freeze it, then chop it up. Then...
Drinks To Sip
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Simple Summer Sweet Sipper
Monday, August 22, 2011
Oh no. The end of August is slowly creeping up on us. That means the unofficial end of summer is coming.
I’m a dessert freak, but in the summer baking in a hot kitchen is the last thing that I feel like doing. So when I stumbled upon this recipe, I was like SOLD.
If you are planning an outdoor party, try this for a cool adult dessert – prosecco popsicles! The fruit pops add flavor to the...
Drinks To Sip
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Taking the Shitty Out of Iron City
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Iron City Beer is good.
Yes, those words just came out of my fingers. I like Iron City Beer.
Maybe I should clarify a few things. So for my “national” readers, Iron City is a local Pittsburgh brewery that is sometimes referred to as “Iron Shitty.” Regular Iron or IC Light is shitty. It’s not good. It kinda tasted like you are drinking the actual can. Like aluminum.
Shopping Trips
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Fashion Friday: Color Blocking, Party Rockin
Friday, August 12, 2011
If I was some silly girl that didn’t know much about sports, I would maybe think that colorblocking was some silly football play where you block a player wearing the other color. Or maybe it involves some sort of colorful blocks like Legos?
Well Colorblocking is basically mixing two solid colors to make one outfit. For the summer, it’s typically bold colors like a hot pink and bright red. Let me...
Lifestyle Tips: Parties
Shopping Trips
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Perfectly Polished: So Mani Choices
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
At my jobby job, on occasion we have Manicure Monday. A lady comes in and gives us mini mani’s, typically just a polish change and file, for a few bucks.
Last time I was picking out a shade, I was reading all of the awesome names some cool people at Essie and OPI put on the polishes. It got me thinking…pairing a nail polish with a gift that matches the shade’s name is a totally cute idea....
Lifestyle Tips: Parties
Shopping Trips
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Bling! Music! Food! Obsessions!
Tuesday, August 09, 2011
I’m going to spend a few hours in Chicago this week (quick work training). I know my tease with the Windy City will make me miss it bunches. But with this nifty Chicago Map bracelet, I can have a chic reminder of my old stomping grounds.
How ridiculously adorable are these ring pop favors from Dylan Lauren’s bridal shower. Such an inexpensive idea! It’s all about the presentation!
Lifestyle Tips: Parties
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It's (almost) Gameday Bitches
Monday, August 08, 2011
I always thought Oriental Trading was cool. My mom would order some really rad stuff from there for her company’s annual picnic. You know, like water guns, plastic batons, candy. Okay, that’s stuff is really cool to a eight year old.
I’ve been a loyal Oriental Trading Company buyer throughout college and my 20’s (so sad they’ve past). It’s a great destination for party décor.
Well Oriental...
Lifestyle Tips: Food
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All You Need is Glitter
Saturday, August 06, 2011
You wanna know what the coolest thing in the world to me is right now?
Edible glitter.
I don’t need to elaborate.
I’ll let you soak it in.
More delicious colors ...
Drinks To Sip
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Pudding Shots Shots Shots Shots Shots Shots! Everybody!
Thursday, August 04, 2011
This past weekend, I attended a bachelorette party that may have been a bit unconventional to some, but reminded me a lot of my own.
You see, I’m really close with my aunts and mom’s friends, so I extended my bachelorette party invitation to them as well. And they totally came – 32 women from ages 17 – 77. Yes, my grandma came out.
While it was just a normal drinking night out...
Lifestyle Tips
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Moving Right Along
Wednesday, August 03, 2011
So the hubs and I spent last weekend moving. Back in college, I used to have the moving thing down. I mean I would move the majority of my stuff each fall and spring from home to college in Morgantown, so I learned some tips and tricks early on. But then in Chicago, I really only moved apartments in the same building. So let’s just say, I’ve now learned that moving post-marriage (meaning...
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