Rather than celebrate turning 30 by bitching out all forms of technology, and reminiscing about simple times that involved low text books vs. texting and pagers vs. cell phones, I decided to embrace it by requesting a Barnes & Noble Nook. I know, I know…there’s something to be said for picking up a book or magazine and reading the hard copy, but swing by my house and give me a solution for magazine and book storage and I’ll come back to the old fashioned side.
Anyways, I wanted to give an early Shot of Brandi Approval on the Nook! I’m still learning all of the ropes, but so far I’ve read a magazine and purchased a book on it and I’m in love. There is built in wi-fi, so you can check your email, read blogs and surf the internet! There are even cute covers for it!
Browsing for a book to buy was super easy too. Actually, a lot better than being in a book store. I typed in a few past books I’ve read and looked for similar titles and voila! I bought a new book!
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