I know, I know. You’re sick of the snow news. I’m sick of it too. I get it. I don’t understand the fuss. We’ve always known that snow is fluffy white stuff that fall each winter. Why do we need to go into a state of panic each time it comes down. We don’t freak out when the sun comes out in the winter!
I understand a lot of my readership has been experiencing unseasonable weather along the east coast, so I wanted to share some tips of things to keep at home when Snowmageton strikes.
· Bread and Milk: Yep, the staple. Everyone runs out and buys bread and milk when they hear of snow coming. I suggest picking up some PB&J and Eggs to make more interesting meals.
· While we are talking food, a snow storm means that the only work out you are going to get it walking between the bathroom, couch and bed, so just face the fact that you are going to be lazy and stock up on comfort food. I’m talking the processed foods - mac & cheese, frozen pizza, spaghetti and maybe some meatloaf! Or anything in a crockpot would probably be delicious!! Oh and hot coco – obvi!
· Games, Games, Games: Reader Brian knows that I love a good board game and that I have ample stock in my apartment. I suggest making sure that you have some games to keep you occupied when cabin fever hits.
· An obvious Shot of Brandi recommendation is WINE. Buy a case so you don’t run out. Oh and another “duh” – make sure you have a wine opener (that’s for my male readers – especially those from NJ).
· It always happens. When you are snowed in, there is nothing on TV. I suggest keeping a good stock of DVD’s on hand. Maybe even a season of a show that you can get hooked on. I used to love a good OC marathon day!
· Stationary: Bare with me on this one. I’m a true lover and believer in a hand-written note. Use a snow day as an opportunity to send your friends some “just because” cards.
· Toilet Paper: Enough said.
Oh and after you’ve binged on processed foods, I recommend shoveling. According to the Providence Journal, “A person weighing 105 pounds may burn about 70 calories in 15 minutes of vigorous shoveling, while a 250-pound person will burn twice as many.”
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