In its December issue, Lucky magazine celebrated its 10th anniversary. While I'm a little late on this post, the mag recapped the last decarde of fashion and I thought they highlighted some good styles and trends that have emerged this past decade.
• Uggs: In the winter of 2003, celebs were spotted wearing Uggs around Hollywood. Then, the trend took off. While some critics think that Uggs are a fashion don’t, I fully support the sheepskin boots for making the trek to work in the winter and those chilly tailgates. (Editor’s Note: I just gave a pair of my Uggs a bath. Buy that Ugg care kit if you live in a snowy area – it’s a must).
• Uggs: In the winter of 2003, celebs were spotted wearing Uggs around Hollywood. Then, the trend took off. While some critics think that Uggs are a fashion don’t, I fully support the sheepskin boots for making the trek to work in the winter and those chilly tailgates. (Editor’s Note: I just gave a pair of my Uggs a bath. Buy that Ugg care kit if you live in a snowy area – it’s a must).
o Runner up in the most popular footwear of the decade: Crocs. I’d say Hunter Wellington boots should be in 3rd. Louboutins in 4th.
• Juicy Couture Tracksuits: I feel like Jessica Simpson (via “The Newlyweds”) and Paris Hilton led the way for this trend. Thank you for making sweat suits in a non-nylon fabric to eliminate the swhish shoosh noise.
• Super Low Jeans: Thank the lord that low-rise trend is fading out. This also brought on the buzz term of “muffin top.”
o Speaking of buzzwords, “Wardrobe Malfunction” became popular in 2004 after the Super Bowl. We all know why.
• Red String Bracelets: Madonna and trainwreck celebs popularized the red Kabbalah bracelets. Who can also not forget the yellow Livestrong bracelets and the recent silly bandz.
• Celebrity Fragrances: Another one that Britt Britt paved the way for. When will this one end?
• BoHo Chic: Think MK Olson, Nicole Richie and Kate Hudson.
• TV Style: Ugly Betty encouraged mixing prints, Gossip Girl showed gorgeous headbands, Mad Men clinched waistlines and fluffed out skirts and Sex and the City? Well, I don’t even have to mention what that show did for fashion.
• First Lady Style: Mrs. O has J.Crew sales hitting new highs. She campaigns for the “right to bare arms” with her sleeveless styles and we all applaud her embellished flats.
• Jumpsuits: Dana – would you like to handle this one? No, you will never live that photo down.
• Bump It: First it was the infomercial. Next, came Snookie. In 2010, “bump watch” was no longer looking for knocked up celebs – it was seeing how high girls hair poofs could get.
• GaGa: She paved the way for “no pants Saturday” or any day of the week for that matter.
I can't wait to see what's in store for the next decade!!!
(Source: Lucky Magazine - December 2010)
(Source: Lucky Magazine - December 2010)
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