Reader Brian expressed concerns that Shot of Brandi has become a bit too “girly.” I love hearing feedback from my readers (yes, there are more than one of you now), so I’m making this MAN WEEK.
Today, reader Brian and I were discussing the episode of Seinfeld where they discuss wearing the same clothes over and over again when you are older. A clothing rut if you will.
Brian is in a bit of a clothing rut right now. He has mastered the art of the track jacket, plain t, hoodie and the standard polo and button down. He is looking for some new pieces to add to his wardrobe, so I thought I would share my suggestions for the male Shot of Brandi readers.
· Try a blazer or a cardigan – yep, I said cardigan. You can make the Mr. Rogers look hip.
· Explore new colors – it’s okay to wear pink, red, purple, orange, etc.
· Play with prints – plaid is so in right now, so are patterns. Just please: no Ed Hardy.
· Accessorize – while it’s not for every dude out there, a scarf, hat or tie can work.
· Try a new store - Always shop at the Gap or J. Crew? Try a new store or even shopping online.
· Shoes make the man – invest in a good pair of casual black, brown and upscale sneakers.
· Trust the MANnequins – pay attention to how the store styles its mannequins, windows and online shops. This is an easy way to see how to pair things together or
Brian’s new scarf is from Urban Outfitters, shoes from Club Monaco and I didn't save the link to where I found the hat - sorry!!
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