Break out your Blahniks, clean your Choo’s and fluff your von Feurstenberg…it’s Fashion Week Bitches!
Change is the unofficial theme for this year’s events. This year’s Spring 2011 start this week at a new home (Lincoln Center) with more seating and electronic invitations.
Going through some old materials, I found a story I saved from a pre-fashion week story in 2007 from the Vancouver Sun on “fashionable cocktails.” I felt this was a very appropriate time to reference that story. Reporter Joanne Sasvari put some thought to what cocktails could be paired with iconic fashion designers.
• Chanel: Ladies who lunch love them some CoCo. Go with a white wine spritzer.
• Prada: Those lusting over this Italian house can sip a Negroni – a lustful red drink that originated in Florence. This drink is created by mixing 1 part gin, 1 part sweet vermouth, 1 part bitters.
• Marc Jacobs: Nothing says more all-American like Manhattan (bourbon is the only spirit native to the U.S.) for home-bread boy Marc Jacobs.
• Burberry & Ralph Lauren: For these labels that are favorites of the country club chic, go with a classic gin and tonic.
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