
Friday, October 30, 2009

It's 6:00 p.m. on Friday, October 30th. If you are like my fiance, you still don't have a Halloween Costume. For those of you who are still trying to put something together at the last minute, may I introduce you to some suggestions from KnowYourMeme.com. I discovered this link via the Thrillist newsletter and I fell in love. If you remember a few weeks ago on a Tech Tuesday, I...
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Monster Mash

Thursday, October 29, 2009

If you are looking for a last minute item to bring to a Halloween party, may I suggest an alcoholic punch. I somewhat love the idea of bringing a punch to a party. You are contributing to the stash of drinks, you can transport the beverage in a pitcher and pending on the spirits brands you select, it can be cost-effective. Here is a recipe for Green Monster Punch from the HalloweenForum.com....
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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

According to the social media Web site Technorati, there are more than 112 million blogs and 175,000 new blogs are created everyday. Let me first of all ask you to re-read that line and let it sink in. Secondly, thank you for reading my blog. So most of my readers are tech-savvy enough to know what a blog is. Based on qualitative research, I know most of you read Shot of Brandi, some celebrity...
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Readin' About Reader

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

My name is Brandi, and I’m obsessed with my Google Reader. I’ve mentioned my love for Google Reader on my very first post of 2009, but I’m not sure if you all know what it is. So according to Wikipedia, a Google Reader is a “Web-based aggregator, capable of reader Atom and RSS feeds online of offline. Here’s the Brandi way of explaining it. So let’s say you see a blog or Web site that you like....
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I’m Still Feeling Corny

Monday, October 19, 2009

As a follow up to last week’s post about candy corn cocktails, I wanted to share a few more ways to incorporate candy corn into your Halloween entertaining. In a 2007 feature, Yum Sugar showcases the Tick-or-tini – a cocktail in which the different spirits layer to create a candy corn martini. To achieve this look, it takes some crazy mixers and careful pouring. Infusing vodka is super popular,...
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Isn't My Drink Corny?

Thursday, October 15, 2009

The hot subject around food blogs right now is Candy Corn. There are a ton of recipes floating around that teach you how to make your own batch of the candy treat. There are bakers experimenting with cupcake toppings and cooks using CC as an inspiration for dishes. Of course one recipe that piqued my interest was a Candy Corn Cocktail. Here is a version from DrinkMixer.com. If you follow the link,...
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Treatless Trick of Treat

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

During my years as a Trick or Treater, I always loved it when a neighbor would surprise us kids with a non-candy item. You know, like a tooth brush or a coupon for a Wendy’s Frosty. I guess I just like it when people think outside of the candy box and come up with something creative. If you are looking to give kids something that doesn’t satisfy their sweet tooth, here are some fun, inexpensive items...
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14 Years of Dance Lessons

Friday, October 09, 2009

And I bust my moves out on Chicago TV! If only "American Bandstand" were still around. View more news videos at: http://www.nbcchicago.com/video. Oh and the guy gave me his card and asked me to come back next week. See Brady, I can dance. And Dana, Point 1 Brandi. You've never danced on TV in your pj's. ...
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Ha Ha Halloween

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Today is October 7th. Maybe this post is a little late. Then again, for my fiancé and his friends, this post might be a little early. Here is it kids. The annual Shot of Brandi* Halloween suggestions. Dead CelebritiesInsensitive? Maybe. Overdone for ’09? Maybe. Easy? Yes. · MJ: Totally obvious. Shout out to Brady’s mom who said that she liked my previous MJ post and may use one of the ideas...
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