Flip flop season is officially here. Did you hear me girl who rides bus 151 – please stop wearinyour winter boots. It’s June!
I’ve been reading a lot of craft sites and I keep coming across cute crafts to help bling out boring flip flops. In fact, I spotted this picture today on HuffingtonPost.com of BFF’s LC and LO bedazzling some flips. So, today I wanted to share some tips to add some spice to your toes.
If you were fortunate enough to score some $1 flops at Old Navy in May, you have a good base to start craftin’. If you didn’t, no worries. Old Navy’s regular priced flip flops are like $2.50.
Bling Bling: LC and LO are showing you an easy way to add pizzazz to your feet. Buy some simple gems from the craft store and glue them to the shoes. While tacky glue is show, I may recommend a hot glue gun. Just make sure you gun doesn’t get so hot i
t melts the rubber on the flops.
Fancy Feet: Sue Bonkowski has mastered the art of ribbon flip flops (thanks to Bubba’s mom). I am the proud owner of some customized Steeler and Mountaineer shoes. To achieve this look, purchase a variety of ribbons in different colors and sizes that match your theme and knot them around the shoe. This version is from ModMomClub.com.

Smells Like Roses: J Crew is currently selling like $30 flips with a flower attached. You can sooo make that at home by affixing a faux flower to the shoe with some hot glue. Some strong thread and a needle will also do the job. The example to the left is from ElleGirl.com.
If you have any other creative ways to bling your flips, share them below. This reminds me of back in the day when we used to puffy paint our Keds…oh the ‘90’s!
(Sources: ellegirl.com, Photos: ellegirl.com, modmomclub.com, wireimage.com)
I’ve been reading a lot of craft sites and I keep coming across cute crafts to help bling out boring flip flops. In fact, I spotted this picture today on HuffingtonPost.com of BFF’s LC and LO bedazzling some flips. So, today I wanted to share some tips to add some spice to your toes.
If you were fortunate enough to score some $1 flops at Old Navy in May, you have a good base to start craftin’. If you didn’t, no worries. Old Navy’s regular priced flip flops are like $2.50.
Bling Bling: LC and LO are showing you an easy way to add pizzazz to your feet. Buy some simple gems from the craft store and glue them to the shoes. While tacky glue is show, I may recommend a hot glue gun. Just make sure you gun doesn’t get so hot i

Fancy Feet: Sue Bonkowski has mastered the art of ribbon flip flops (thanks to Bubba’s mom). I am the proud owner of some customized Steeler and Mountaineer shoes. To achieve this look, purchase a variety of ribbons in different colors and sizes that match your theme and knot them around the shoe. This version is from ModMomClub.com.

Smells Like Roses: J Crew is currently selling like $30 flips with a flower attached. You can sooo make that at home by affixing a faux flower to the shoe with some hot glue. Some strong thread and a needle will also do the job. The example to the left is from ElleGirl.com.
If you have any other creative ways to bling your flips, share them below. This reminds me of back in the day when we used to puffy paint our Keds…oh the ‘90’s!
(Sources: ellegirl.com, Photos: ellegirl.com, modmomclub.com, wireimage.com)
This should be sent to the SB stat!!
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