I promise, this blog isn’t going to turn into a worship ground for Barack Obama. Sure – he is going to do some things to piss me off over the next eight years. But next week I encourage you to host a fun gathering for the inauguration and where you can party like a Barack-star.
Yeah, everyone can do the whole red, white and blue thing, but show your friends you are up on your 44th president history by incorporating these elements into your shin-dig.
Bring out the Scrabble: Soon-to-be First Lady Michelle Obama told “Good Morning America” that Barack is a huge fan of the game scrabble. According to this site, here are some high scoring words – Jukebox (77), Quiz (22 points), Jazzy (23), Quack (20), Crazy (19) and Cozy (18).
Yeah, everyone can do the whole red, white and blue thing, but show your friends you are up on your 44th president history by incorporating these elements into your shin-dig.
Bring out the Scrabble: Soon-to-be First Lady Michelle Obama told “Good Morning America” that Barack is a huge fan of the game scrabble. According to this site, here are some high scoring words – Jukebox (77), Quiz (22 points), Jazzy (23), Quack (20), Crazy (19) and Cozy (18).

We Poppin’ Champagne: According to Chicago Social magazine, Obama toasted his victory on election night with four bottles of Graham Beck Brut NV – the same vintage that Nelson Mandela drank at his inauguration in 1994.
Hawaii 5-0: Mr. Pres was born in Hawaii. Cure the summer blues with some tropical drinks. Make it simple by picking up some pineapple liqueur, rum and mixers like orange juice.
Tea Time: Mr. O and I have something in common…yes, amazing dance skills, but we also love tea. While I get my daily dose of unsweetened black iced tea from Starbucks, Obama drinks Black Forest Berry Honest Tea. Keep some bottles from Whole Foods on hand for those guests who don’t drink alcohol (I know what you are thinking – they sound like losers, why invite them. Everyone needs a DD).
“If you don’t know about now I’m talkin’ bout Chi-Town:” Obama spent most of his career livin' in Chi-town. Chicago-ize your party with some deep dish pizza (delivered across the country), 312 Beer, Garretts Popcorn and Eli's Cheesecake.
Presidential Playlist: While Barack credits Stevie Wonder, Bob Dylan and Miles Davis as his favorite artists, he told Blender magazine earlier this year that his favorite songs include “Ready or Not (Fugees),” “Gimmie Shelter (Rolling Stones),” “What’s Goin’ On (Marvin Gaye),” and “Touch the Sky (Kayne West).” Be sure to download some “Hail to the Chief” and “Born in the USA.”

52 Flavas: As a teen, Barack worked at a Baskin-Robbins. Pick up an ice cream cakes and/or some tubs for a make your own sundae bar.
(sources: Chicago Social Magazine, Daily Contriutor,Pics: sportsillustrated.cnn.com, tripadvisor.com, hawaiirama.com, archives.gov)
(sources: Chicago Social Magazine, Daily Contriutor,Pics: sportsillustrated.cnn.com, tripadvisor.com, hawaiirama.com, archives.gov)
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