All over the news this week, there have been a ton of stories about risque tween Halloween costumes. According to The Today Show , mom's are outraged at the tummy baring options for kids these days.
Shot of Brandi* readers, you know how I feel about this subject. I think it's just wrong for people to slut up classic cartoon characters and I applaud creativity.
However, I don't think dressing your daughter/teen like a slut will make her become a slut. Take the MSNBC story I link to above. Here is a direct quote from the story...
"Studies show that the oversexualization of girls correlates with depression and eating disorders. Some girls are consumed with jockeying for social position, altering their looks and winning popularity contests. It consumes their emotional energy and makes them feel really bad about themselves."
You know when they do these studies, it's always "9 out of 10 girls experienced..." I guess I am that 10th girl. The slutty French Maid is moi at age 7 (1st grade). At this age, I didn't know what a slut was. And, if I would hear someone say it on the bus, I would come home and ask my mom what it was - I was just that type. I wasn't in a child prostitution ring and I didn't grow up to be a stripper, rather I was labeled "goodie two shoes" or a "straight ruler" for some time.
I know almost all of my 18 readers don't have kids, but regardless. If and when you have kids and decide to let them wear a risque costume, just talk to them about it. I remember my mom telling them what a French Maid was. I can't remember how she explained it, but we did talk about it. I followed this costume up in second grade with a belly baring jeanie number.
If you want to dress as a slut tonight, that's fine. Just remember that people might think that you are a slut because you are dressing the part. And don't be surprised when guys are looking at you all night.
Like the story says, "I am not suggesting that you dress in a potato sack..." I'm just trying to encourage creativity.
I know you've been asking what I am being this year. Because I feel like 2008 is all about "Going Green" and "recycling" I decided to jump on the bandwagon and recycle a costume. That will give you a hint.
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