This weekend, reader Brian is having a party that will feature some board game playing. Earlier this year, I read a trend piece that at-home entertaining is expected to hit an all-time high in 2008 because of our economy. Do you think that board game usage will also rise? I do.
So while we tackle the subject of board game, let me feature my top five.
5. Monopoly: There can’t be a list of the best board games without mentioning Monopoly. It’s one of American’s greatest games. From the game pawns to the famous street names, this game is hours of fun. And I mean hours.

4. Scrabble. Another classic game that almost anyone can play. Of course you are going to dominate Scrabble if you are a big wordy nerd, but at the Bonkowski Christmas this year we proved that you really can play this at any age. Our range was about 15 to mid-40’s, with a 7-year-old giving her input.
3. Trivial Pursuit. This game is guacamole of board games. Don’t

2. Scattergories. For me this makes the list because it doesn’t involve spelling. It’s all about the word association. All players are given a card with 10 categories. A die with the letters of the alphabet is rolled. Let’s say it lands on “S.” You must come up with a word for each of the 10 categories that begins with S. You get double points if you put in a double S. For example, if the category was “Actresses” and you put “Sissy Spacek” you would get two points. The game has 10 rounds and the person with the highest score at the end wins!
1. Outburst.

- If you miss a question, drink the amount that is on the dice
- However many answers you don’t get right, drink
- If you lose, drink
- Or just drink. A lot.
(Photo Sources: school.scrabble-assoc.com, areyougame.com,
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