Right now I am having difficulty typing this posting because my fingers are frozen stiff. Ladies and gentlemen it is cold in Chicago.
Speaking of ice cold, lately I’ve been reading that ice is the new couture food. Wait – is ice a food? I guess it is if you are one of the stars of the new 90210. Regardless, right now it seems that ice has declared war on the cocktail for the top spot as “it” happy...
World's Best Boss
Friday, September 26, 2008
The Office is one of my favorite television shows. Watching each episode, I find myself laughing out loud and last night’s season premier was no exception.
This week, I’ve discovered that The Office’s web site is just as funny, it not funnier, than the show. Here’s what the masterminds at NBC Marketing did to pump up the show.
Andy & Angela’s Wedding Site: A rite of passage for any engaged...
Lifestyle Tips: Parties
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I'm Board
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Playing a board game at a party is as old as sliced bread and Elizabeth Taylor. But lately I’ve noticed board “gammers” popping up everywhere. There is a bar in Chicago called Gutherie’s that people flock to just to play a variety of games supplied by the bar with groups of friends.
This weekend, reader Brian is having a party that will feature some board game playing. Earlier this year, I read...
Drinks To Sip
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Drink a Beer, Drink a Beer, Come Drink a Beer with Me
Thursday, September 18, 2008
I’ve always found it very odd that Oktoberfest begins in September. Advertisements for Oktoberfest’s always popped up in September and I just assumed they were building some early buzz. To my amazement, they were always around the 20th of September. Here’s why.
Back in 1810, Crown Prince Ludwig married Princess Therese of Saxe-Hildurghausen. To commemorate their marriage (on October 12th) a great...
Shopping Trips
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So Obsessed
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Below are my Brandi* Obsessions for the moment. Brandi* is going to talk in first person today in honor of it being Wednesday because Brandi* thinks it’s funny that Suede talks in first person on Project Runway and Brandi* is obsessed with PR.
Bow to the Wow: On Monday, it was Brandi*’s dog’s birthday. Brandi* is a bad sister and forgot to send a present. Maybe Brandi* should have sent something...
Lifestyle Tips: Parties
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Evite is so 1998
Sunday, September 14, 2008
For amazingly ten years, Evite has been the go-to source for sending out an electronic invitation to a party. In fact, the site it used by more than five million people every month. It’s easy to create an invite, easy to RSVP and has cute designs to match your theme.
More than ever, party pros are recommending using electronic invites as a way to “go green,” because you are not using paper to send...
Shopping Trips
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Fancy Pants Fashion Week Recap
Saturday, September 13, 2008
New York Spring 2009 Fashion Week is wrapping up. While I couldn’t be there and probably never will be, I’ve been living my life vicariously through a number of fashion blogs via my life-changing Google Reader.
In PR, in almost every brainstorm, someone tosses out “Sample at Fashion Week,” or “Have a party during Fashion Week.” If the idea makes it into a plan, clients never buy into it. Three of...
Lifestyle Tips: DIY
Lifestyle Tips: Holidays
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Pop Culture Halloween
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Halloween is here.
Cheesy pop up stores are getting ready to open there doors. Candy is on sale. Chicago weather is cold.
Each Halloween, I make it my goal to come up with a creative Halloween costume. My two rules when selecting my attire is that it is NOT SLUTTY and it’s CREATIVE. Halloween is not an excuse to parade around town wearing underwear (unless you are Will Ferrell in “Old School”)...
Shot of Brandi
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What I Did On My Summer Vacation
Monday, September 08, 2008
By: Brandi Bonkowski
Last week, I spent my summer vacation in North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina with my parents, sister and her man friend. Here are some of my key learning's.
1. "This is no longer a vacation. It's a quest. It's a quest for fun." - Clark Griswold. Family vacations can be fun. Well, at least vacations with The Bonkowski's. We build sandcastles, drank by the pool and did the...
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