I just can’t help it. I am obsessed with rosettes.
When browsing clothes I can’t afford on-line, I am immediately attracted to shirts, dresses and shoes that bear a rosette.
What is a rosette? If you are a Project Runway fan, you will know it’s the accessory that horrible contestant Angela was obsessed with. While I hated Angela big time, her rosettes intrigued me. It’s basically a flower, made from fabric, sewn or pinned to clothes.

My love started with the black Elijah tank to the left. Last fall, I spotted this beaut via a Saks e-letter. With a price tag of $200+, this top could not be mine on a PR salary. So I drooled for months looking for an inexpensive knock off. Sorry for the pic quality. This sucker is no where to be found on the web.
Then Anne Hathaway redeemed herself at the 2008 Oscars with a gorgeous red dress (left) baring a plethora of rosettes. My obsession grew.
Last spring, a number of mass retailers like Express produced rosette adorned tanks affordable for the masses. I treated myself to a much lower quality tank similar to my Elijah obsession. Sill, my rosette fix was not tamed.
The rosette is popping up again in fall 2008 fashions. Here is my current wishlist…
When browsing clothes I can’t afford on-line, I am immediately attracted to shirts, dresses and shoes that bear a rosette.
What is a rosette? If you are a Project Runway fan, you will know it’s the accessory that horrible contestant Angela was obsessed with. While I hated Angela big time, her rosettes intrigued me. It’s basically a flower, made from fabric, sewn or pinned to clothes.

Then Anne Hathaway redeemed herself at the 2008 Oscars with a gorgeous red dress (left) baring a plethora of rosettes. My obsession grew.
Last spring, a number of mass retailers like Express produced rosette adorned tanks affordable for the masses. I treated myself to a much lower quality tank similar to my Elijah obsession. Sill, my rosette fix was not tamed.

I adore this Robert Rodriguez silk top from Saks (left). Of course way beyond my price range, but still a pretty color with lovely rosettes!
Along the same over-prices line is this Milly ruffle top (right) from Bloomingdales. Fashion mags are predicting winter floral to be big, so this would be considered on-trend.

Shopping at the new Chicago Juicy Store last month, it is apparent the Juicy handbag designers love rosettes too (right). Flowers are popping up all over its fall line.

With a good pin, you can adorn a rosette pin to almost any shirt. Just purchase a pin a rosette pin and strategically add it to your outfit. to the right is an option from Etsy . More on my love for Etsy coming soon.
(sources: time.com, saks.com, juicycouture.com, bloomingdales.com, neimanmarcus.com, etsy.com)
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