* Call a local craft store to find out if their any of their knitting instructors make house calls. Explain that you would like to host a “learn to knit” night for a group of girl friends and you are willing to come in to the store to explain. That way, you can meet the instructor in advance. Don’t forget to discuss how she would like your room set up and her cost!

* Make a list of items that people need to bring in advance and include that list in the invite. If you are planning in advance, save a ton of coupons for Michael’s and JoAnn Fabrics and send each guest some with their invite.
* Before guests come over prepare, some simple cocktails and light appetizers. Casually remind your friends that you aren’t serving a main dish, but rather some apps.
* Arrange the room so that guests can see the instructor. This might be a good night to get your significant other out of the house. If you are really super sweet, buy him a gift card to the local bar or tickets to a sporting event.
* Ask the instructor if there are any directors or instructions that you can print and make copies for everyone. This goes for a pattern for knitting at home.

* Send guests home with a personalized yarn bag. This is so simple to create. Buy some blank canvas bags from your local craft store, along with some stencils and paints. If you don’t’ have nice handwriting with paint, you might want to pick up some letter stencils. On the bags, paint each guests name and a cute pattern. Don’t forget to add some bling!
* Follow up with your friends. Consider setting a deadline, having everyone submit their final project photos and vote on a winner!
Regardless if you succeed at your project, always remember – knit happens!
(source: happyfuzzyyarn.com, meetup.com, amazon.com)
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