Non-reader Melissa did a really wonderful job planning this shower with an underlying wine theme. I've included some DYI pictures below for those of you planning to host a shower. For my male readers, this is what a shower looks like.
The placecards were hand-made using a printer. Purple card were glued on to a grey cardstock. Note: use Ross Rubber Cement - NOT Elmer's. Once the cards were dryed, they were hot guled to
wine corks. I bought them from a whole sale company that sells tools for making wine at home.
Gerber Daisies were placed into a variety of wine bottles that Melissa has been saving since December. Melly likes wine.
Rather than regular votives, small wine glasses contained non-scented candles.
Gift basekts with a wine theme were raffled off throughout the shower. Baskets included themes such as Sangria, Pittsburgh, I love New York, Chocolate and Italian. Win or lose, each guests walked away with a silver heart wine stopper.
The placecards were hand-made using a printer. Purple card were glued on to a grey cardstock. Note: use Ross Rubber Cement - NOT Elmer's. Once the cards were dryed, they were hot guled to

Gerber Daisies were placed into a variety of wine bottles that Melissa has been saving since December. Melly likes wine.

Gift basekts with a wine theme were raffled off throughout the shower. Baskets included themes such as Sangria, Pittsburgh, I love New York, Chocolate and Italian. Win or lose, each guests walked away with a silver heart wine stopper.
My mom and sister also attended a shower on Sunday for my cousin Jennifer. This party had a butterfly theme (I guess she likes them) and the favors were butterfly cookie cutters. Look for an upcoming post where I use these with my new mixer.
Jennifer's Wedding is May 31st, while Amy's is June 14th.
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