- Visiting your significant other’s family? Bring a hot chocolate basket that everyone will love. Include gourmet hot cocoa, cute mugs, marshmallows and peppermint sticks. For an added touch, purchase a bottle of coffee liqueur from your local spirits store

- Rather than buy your bridesmaids a gift, organize an experiential gift such as a cocktail class. Contact a local bartending school to see if they offer sessions. If not, reach out to your favorite bar keep at a local establishment. Purchase a variety of spirits and learn how to mix up the season’s hottest cocktails (photo from istockphoto.com)
- Attending a Stock the Bar party? Enhance your gift by bringing the glasses that accompany your spirit. For example, if you are bringing… Tequila? Include margarita glasses. Bourbon? Rocks glasses. Coffee Liqueur? Irish coffee mugs. If you don’t have a coordinating glass, consider chic napkins, drink stirs or chic drink charms
- Consider a festive spin on the traditional shower gift. Is the bride-to-be registered for a blender? Purchase the blender with a bottle of tequila, margarita glasses, gourmet salsa and a chip tray with a Mexican feel
- For a personalized house-warming gift, order a stainless-steel beverage tub that can be customized with the couple’s last name. Fill the bin with staple spirits everyone can use (photo from personalizationmall.com)

This is just a little sample of the "spirited" gift ideas.
I love the idea of a theme basket ALL the time. Here are some of my other favorites...
- This is sterotypical, but a Movie theme. Use movie or Netflix gift card, popcorn, a cute popcorn bowl. I love Dale & Thomas popcorn (photo from DaleandThomasPopcorn.com)
- Five years ago, my sister said that she wanted to scrapbook. I felt like a proud mother whose daughter wanted to follow the same career path. Anyways, I made her a scrapbooking/craft basket. This can totally be done at the dollar store. I bought cool sissors, stickers, papers and tape. This would also make a nice shower or engagement gift. Or you would do a basket of sewing supplies for someone who is going to college
- Welcome new neighbors to your area with local maps, directions to the closest grocery store and a gift certificate to an eatery nearby
- Create a kitchen or bar collection - great for first-time renters, compile a collection of kitchen or bar basics and place in a decorated cookie jar or re-usable basket
- A travel theme is super cute too. Luggage tags, guidebooks a gift card to get pictures printed or for those international jet-setters a language lesson would be totally usable. On a side note, i once couldn't find luggage tags to save my life, so I printed my address on some hot pink paper with a little Hello Kitty next to my name. Then I took it to Office Max and got it laminated!
- For a friend's shower, I made a cookie basket. It had a cookbook, cookie cutters, sprinkles and a frosting recipe all in a mixing bowl

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