Have you ever wanted to own a polar bear? A zebra?
If you are as zoo-obsessed as I am, your answer is probably yes.
Because it is rather difficult to provide a foster home for a tiger, I totally suggest adoption. Instead of a large smelly animal, you get a nice certificate that says you are a parent. Looks great in any office.
Back in college, I adopted the Great Horned Owl from the Pittsburgh Zoo on behalf of my sorority. To my dismay he passed away in the spring of that year from West Nile disease.
Here are some places were you can “adopt” and exotic animal:
Pittsburgh Zoo – Rest in peace Mr. Great Horned Owl http://www.pittsburghzoo.org/zoo.asp?ContentID=25
Lincoln Park Zoo – While I will always be faithful to my zoo in the ‘burgh, this one is very awesome. Free admission and cool animals!http://www.lpzoo.org/support/adopt/index.html
WWF – Not to be confused with the World Wrestling Foundation, you can get a cute fuzzy animal with your donation here. Why should you buy one? Because Stone Cold said so.https://secure.worldwildlife.org/ogc/
Heifer International – This is a shameless plug for an organization I help here in Chicago. With Heifer, you buy and animal for someone in a poor country. They turn the animal into a business and then must “pay it forward.” Bill Clinton talks about how wonderful this cause is in his book “Giving.” Some chick even wrote a book about how her parents received a goat. The money they raised selling milk from the goat enabled her to go to a local school. Because she got an education, she came to the US and went to college. How about that!http://www.heifer.org/
(pictures by Brandi*)
If you are as zoo-obsessed as I am, your answer is probably yes.
Because it is rather difficult to provide a foster home for a tiger, I totally suggest adoption. Instead of a large smelly animal, you get a nice certificate that says you are a parent. Looks great in any office.
Back in college, I adopted the Great Horned Owl from the Pittsburgh Zoo on behalf of my sorority. To my dismay he passed away in the spring of that year from West Nile disease.
Here are some places were you can “adopt” and exotic animal:

Pittsburgh Zoo – Rest in peace Mr. Great Horned Owl http://www.pittsburghzoo.org/zoo.asp?ContentID=25
Lincoln Park Zoo – While I will always be faithful to my zoo in the ‘burgh, this one is very awesome. Free admission and cool animals!http://www.lpzoo.org/support/adopt/index.html
WWF – Not to be confused with the World Wrestling Foundation, you can get a cute fuzzy animal with your donation here. Why should you buy one? Because Stone Cold said so.https://secure.worldwildlife.org/ogc/

(pictures by Brandi*)